Today, we step into the visible, embodied, outward expression of your Creatrix energy. And we’re going to do that with some good old fashioned retail therapy. (Don’t worry you can shop in your own closet).
Think of this exercise like the superhero transformation.
Fashion as a Portal
I know you know that transformation is rooted in the cultivation of a strong, fertile inner world. So fashion may not seem, at first, deep enough
YET! Our external world can reflect and reinforce our transformation back to us. We can create the hall of mirrors that will serve our intended transformation. It’s similar to the idea that you’re most like the five people you spend the most time with; everything is information, and you are always taking in information — so you are always learning from your environment, whether that be the warm rays of the sun, the people you surround yourself with, the glisten of the jewelry you wear, or the way you tie back your hair.
As we explored in Day 4 with your Creatrix’s favorite things, your signature outfit is another way to see and feel yourself stepping into this energy.
So sure, fashion is often dismissed as superficial, but when we’re intentional, it becomes a potent and playful tool for self-expression and transformation.

Think of characters like Keeley Jones in Ted Lasso or Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City — their evolving styles reflect their essence, their growth, their power. Fashion reveals, without saying it outright, their most intimate secrets; the things they most want the world to know, and conversely, the things the world most wants to see from them.
The Invitation:
Explore your wardrobe (or take yourself shopping!) – Look for colors, textures, and silhouettes that evoke your Creatrix. What feels sensual, wild, powerful, otherworldly? What makes you feel the very specific flavor of YOUR inner Creatrix?
Experiment with what you find to assemble a few looks. Have a big dress up party. Notice how what you put on transforms your energy, Notice what feels like a portal deeper into your essence. Pay attention to what electrifies you - what signals, She is here. Notice what makes you feel juicy, alive, and creatively charged — what makes you wanna stop and look twice.
Notice the resistance. Your mind might say, this isn’t me—but is that true? Or is it just unfamiliar? Change, even something as seemingly innocuous as an change of style — often feels like a threat to the ego (remember high school?) but that inner critic doesn’t hold your power; YOU do. And by integrating the force of the Creatrix, you become an even stronger stand of sovereignty.
A tip for deepening this practice:
If resistance arises, pause and ask yourself: How old do I feel?
Chances are, it’s not your current age. This resistance often comes from a younger part of you that once felt unsafe expressing itself, being seen, or standing out in its uniqueness.
Tune into this younger part. Ask how old they are (they’ll tell you—don’t overthink it). Then let them know how old you are now (they probably think you’re younger than you are). Show them around your life: Here’s where I live. Here’s what I create. Here’s what I do for work.
Offer compassion. It makes perfect sense that, at that time, they felt unsafe in their expression. Let them voice their concerns. Then reassure them: We’re safe now. This is for our growth. Our joy. This is a return to our essence.
Ask them what they need. Maybe they want to play for 10 minutes a day, create art, go for a walk, or just talk with you. The more you do this, the safer they will feel—knowing you are here to protect and support them.
Before you go, thank them for sharing with you.
I’d love to see what you come up with! Feel free to share your outfit, your experience, or any revelations in the comments.
✨ What does your Creatrix wear when she owns her power? ✨
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This resonates so much with what I’m going through lately!! A more daring sexy dress and being aware of that inner voice that tells me you don’t want to stand out but now I’m like yeah I do. I’m alive and a babe and the time is now xox love your work Faye xx
I am definitely aware of what clothes in my closet amplify my essence and which ones don't. And I've often marvelled at the weird fact that I don't wear what feels the most ME every day!! I suppose it's just residue of hiding/diminishing my light. It may seem somewhat superficial at first glance, but there is truly an alchemical uplift when choosing to wear what we feel best in. In fact, I'll never forget this one red dress I had when I was 24 that I wore with my tall doc boots. It never failed to stoke my inner fire and brighten my mood! 🔥
PS. I'm gonna go put something on that sparks me up and go up to my studio and dive into music. Thank you Faye for the inspiration! 😘