Arms crossed above my head
I drape myself across the edge
of the counter
and stare into the black of my sweater
wherein appears a glistening pool of water.
I look into the feeling
for a sense of softness
amidst sharp edges.
The sides of my ass throb,
from the chill of a brisk walk
where I attempt to reclaim serenity
through sound waves.
All that’s left is this pulse.
I move myself to a stool
at the counter
strewn with ends and odds and
consider all this changing.
Were the words I used honest?
Or ways to create
subtle separation?
I want to become an invitation
to you and I
to crack open
and breathe again.
Breathe in pain
breathe out blessings
a teacher once told me.
I do it.
It works.
The pulse is still here.
My heart rate is slowing.
I am softening.
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I want to become an invitation
to you and I
to crack open
and breathe again.
loved these lines.
Seeing you, looking into your heart, through the pool of dark water, I see life