the secret to full body orgasm {or: that one time alan watts fucked me}
the cosmos wants to fuck you open | episode 3
dear cosmic explorer,
do you feel it coming?
the universe, i mean. its perpetual hum. a state of ever awakening energy. expansive, blissful, no holds barred explosions, everywhere all the time, and even in the space between, where though we can’t see it, dark energy is all permeating, pushing outward, an unseen force of integral gravity.
in the symphony of cosmic forces, there is resistance, friction, sure - yet its purpose is not, as is the paradox of human perception, to avoid what’s coming. rather, friction arises in service of the forces coming into harmony.
so what does this have to do with full body orgasms?
the language problem: orgasm ≠ climax
from the dance of the cosmos to the rhythms of the human body, the same truth holds: harmony emerges when resistance is allowed to resolve. this truth lies at the heart of the orgasmic state — so let’s redefine what that means.
and we’ll begin by getting crystal clear on something.
orgasm ≠ climax
yes, exactly. we have a fundamental language issue. a powerful truth obscured in plain sight. a conflating of two seven-letter words.
according to wikipedia (and other popular definitions): Orgasm (from Greek ὀργασμός, orgasmos; "excitement, swelling") or sexual climax (or simply climax) is the sudden release of accumulated sexual excitement during the sexual response cycle, characterized by intense sexual pleasure resulting in rhythmic, involuntary muscular contractions in the pelvic region.
this definition is multiply problematic:
orgasm is not necessarily climax (though it can be)
orgasm is not necessarily sudden
orgasm is not necessarily involuntary muscular contractions
orgasm is not necessarily concentrated in the pelvic region (hence: full body orgasm)
today we’ll focus on 1 and 4.
if climax is the peak of accumulated energy (which it is), what exactly is orgasm?
orgasm as an embodied state
here’s where Alan Watts comes in: “there are no wrong feelings”
he whispered that to me as i asked for guidance from the cosmos a few nights ago. and then he slapped my ass, but i digress.
these words present a pathway for understanding the orgasmic state not as a fleeting peak, but as an ongoing, embodied experience of surrender to what is. it is the lived realization that there are no wrong feelings. wave upon wave upon wave. release upon release upon release.
this embodied state, you’ll recognize, is different from the intellectual understanding of the concept. to know it mentally, but resist it physically fractures the Self — castrating, as it were, the process of realization. this is the human paradox: saying no to the life impulse.
in the embodied state, the bodymind system — the unified network of body and mind — is working in harmony with itself.
the bodymind is the integration of thoughts, emotions, sensations - the movement of life — through one interconnected system: the integrated power network. here, the feeling arises, the mind observes, the body feels, tension dissolves, bliss reveals itself.
resistance & patterns of the bodymind
the somatic experience — the first person observation of Self from within — gives rise to response in the form of thoughts, feeling, stories, sensations… and resistance thereof, or not.
why, you might be wondering, does resistance sometimes arise and dissolve with ease, and other times linger in the system, repeating itself whenever given the opportunity?
the resistance response embeds itself deep into the subconscious layers of the bodymind system. even when the mind consciously believes it has released a pattern, the physical body may still hold it. this creates a subconscious loop, repeating the pattern whenever triggered until it is cleared from the system.
the clearing process depends on our ability to observe and allow what is arising, so we can feel it and free it. in contrast, when we are conditioned to judge shame, and suppress certain thoughts and sensations, they build in our system as tension which we subsequently resist feeling because, simply, we’re wired to avoid pain.
mentally willing ourselves into new ways of being can work temporarily, but if the body is still holding the tension, the incoherent system glitches, the pattern repeats. the mind ALWAYS affects the body. the body ALWAYS affects the mind.
the vital truth is, resisting pain only creates more pain. when pain surfaces, it is precisely for the purpose of being felt and freed. interfacing with pain is the friction necessary to bring the system back into harmony.
hear this: when you penetrate a feeling, go straight to the center of it, the threshold dissolves. gives new meaning to the old standby: the only way out is through.
the mind is stubborn. we love to believe our own thoughts - after all: they compose the reality we’ve consciously chosen. this is why if you desire to change your reality, it is vital to address the subconscious through the body. change the body and the mind will follow. but that’s a post for another day.
the orgasmic state: being a YES to life
it is only by being a YES to the experience moving through us that we can truly know what we want. how we feel. who we be. the orgasmic state is the state of being a YES to all that emerges in consciousness.
let me be clear here: consciousness is not a mental phenomenon; consciousness permeates the whole of you — spirit animating bodymind. one system that, when in coherence, operates as an integrated power network providing clear moment-to-moment feedback.
with the mind in its rightful role as observer, neither resisting itself nor chasing its own tail, but present to the happenings, the awareness is free, and thus the awakened body is free to experience.
in the words of one of my brilliant readers,
, “the life impulse is to be awake in all senses and to let that awakened state direct the vessel in which it's housed.”in this sense, we can also perceive the orgasmic state as the embodied experience of the meditative state, where energy moves freely through thought and sensation, the mind observing, the senses alive, awake, aware, open, to the ocean of experience arising moment to moment.
climax is just one wave in the orgasmic ocean
here we arrive at the point of our journey, which is not to determine whether orgasm or climax is the superior thing, rather to differentiate the phenomena so we may expand our range of experience.
the orgasmic state is that of being absorbed in the ocean.
comparatively, climax is riding the edge of the wave until the ocean spits you out.
of course, there is a great difference between seeking climax, with the attention fixed in the future, and arriving at climax by way of presence of the natural rhythm of the system. which is, again, another discussion for another day, should we need to go there.
the awakened body
the awakened body. this is the ever evolving answer to the looming question: what is the secret to full body orgasm?
the more of the senses that are on board - the more AWAKENED the bodymind is to the embodied state of: there are no wrong feelings - the more receptive the system is to the ocean of experience constantly arising in the consciousness field that is your bodymind.
from here, pleasure is possible in all experience, and the less inclined one is to seek climax as an exit strategy; each breath is an arrival. to swim in the ocean is the only longing. there is no past lingering. no future impending. only this now moment.
in the simplest sense, orgasm is a dance. it is opening to what is - the ocean of information touching every atom of your being - and moving it through your being in the way that feels absolutely correct in that moment. it is a symphony of breath, sound, movement.
beyond the binaries of right and wrong; pleasure and pain; fear and certainty — orgasm is the freedom to be, feel, and experience in precisely the way that transmits the blissful truth just beneath the surface. it’s all coming, and you are coming with it, humming as the universe. in harmony with all that is. a clear channel. a heart singing.
thank you for reading my friend. numinous movement is where you are invited to fall in love with the rhythm of your being. subscribe to enter the playground of inner alchemy.
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"here’s where Alan Watts comes in: “there are no wrong feelings”"
This is one of your best digressions. Whenever I read your pieces, I always put them down with the intention to be more open to everything for awhile.
love this! such embodied wisdoms