Sometimes the words don’t say what they mean… or do I mean what I mean, which is to say, is it my delivery? Who am I to say anything? It’s all a matter of experience. Do I need a god to make this as wondrous as it is already — you and me? Or is the word just another way to suspend the true nature of things? We are all of this — energy feeling movement closeness distance rhythm syncopation — a sort of satisfaction in the unexpected — precise chaos and heartbeats in conversation sometimes skip a beat and that is more perfection than “god” could ever be. Why pass the responsibility to some story? The thing is, it’s a lot — to recognize your own power. to feel the strength of a body, of two bodies co operating. What is “superhuman” anyway? Science is always finding new ways to see, to think. I used to reject what seemed rigid and systematic until I learned (through you, through experimenting through sample size n=1, and then n=2) the structure supports everything and science is an art, too, if you let it be an open door into the psyche the soul, if you let it be an open door between two people, if you let it illuminate connections buzzing within us, if you gain entry to a secret room that was never off limits, actually. And you go in. What happens? Asking, not assuming, Maybe “god” is simply curiosity. Maybe we just need boundaries so as not to overwhelm the senses’ gentle antennae; one thing investigated to the very center reveals everything — zoom out to see a million iterations of the structure of spaciousness and you kiss me again and I remember, Here I am.
Thank you for asking questions with me, dear curious soul. If you’d like to support the journey, pleasure consider a free or paid subscription, and don’t be shy about sharing the exploration!
what is love if not this?
My immense gratitude for being as you are, for writing as you write, for loving as you love life 🙏
Loving the rhythm of your words, raw and honest.
That image. Is she birthing the orb or receiving its ecstasy? Both?
Agree with you on science and art being more closely related than most will admit.
Perhaps "God" is a word we use when we are a little too frightened to admit that we are already everything. Whatever it is, it's definitely a word. It's not THE most powerful word in terms of getting people's panties in a bunch, but it's gotta be in the top 10. Words are so powerful.
I've been thinking a lot lately about how even these things many of us call "fake" or "representations" are themselves real in their way. Your poem shapes these thoughts further. For instance: symbols, words, thoughts, plans, regrets, nostalgia, mathematics, concepts, daydreams, fantasies...all the things they tell you not to cling to in Meditation 101. Somehow they exist as well. A word has its own reality, reflected in the very tangible facets of its pixels/ink, the ripples it makes as it travels through air and other mediums, the sequence of glyphs and/or phonemes we (mostly) agree on, the representation of that knowledge/feeling in our nervous systems, the way words can trigger all kinds of massive actions way beyond their immediate scope...
Your penultimate stanza gives me major "High" vibes from Rachel Kann:
"…but what all of this means
is that your brain is creating
Precisely so that your consciousness,
your you-ness,
will not dissolve
into oneness
with everything."