Three notebooks sprawled on the table holding six months of secrets poured from my chest, hidden, mostly. But why keep them inside this body.. when she wants to pour out, and out, and out. Out with it! You witch, you whore, evermore you are permitted to roar your thunderous knowing, so says eros, muse and mother, oh, she’s saucy, ready for your chorus of questions, visionary. Where did I lose you? Where did I begin to think this poetry was all my own? Words are evidence of you writing through this body, revelations of conscious clarity. I see. I see? And taste? What of it? My tongue, its preference, the way I experience bitter as sweet. How is that? A cellular arrangement, or something more? Joyous attention, yes? Arousing and mysterious and my hand knows this. Curious. Come back into the central column where breath emanates, buzzing golden aliveness through 33 vertebrae and a throat flowering open to voiceless gnosis.
P.S. I want to teach you how to receive the creative flow of eros…
because I know your life (and the world) will be enriched by the joy you experience in liberating your unique expression. SO!
I’m hosting a free 5-day challenge, YOUR OWN MUSE, to help you:
••• expand and enliven your creative practice
••• channel your art with ease and pleasure
••• create with eros, for your turn on
••• show up for yourself and your practice on the daily
••• experience your body as a source of wisdom, pleasure, and power
••• connect with and receive support from others on the journey of crafting turned on, creatively inspired lives
••• stop worrying about if you’re “good enough” or if you’re doing it the “right way”
It’s your way or the highway, baby.
»»» The challenge begins April 22nd and run through April 26th.
Leave me a comment or reply to this email letting me know you’re interested and I’ll send you the link to join in a couple days! And please feel free to share with friends you think may be interested as well ♥️
xx Faye
I always enjoy the heat in your poems and the redness that is often present. You might like this tribute to one of my favorite trees, well, they all are
love this ❤️