When the mind is free to let the body create I slither down the side of the couch landing on soft carpet, my back pressing into firm cushions’ buoyancy giving into the weight of me, melting as I breathe, slowing for the first moment this evening, remembering. Time dissolving I find myself sprawwwwling onto belly hands clawing back arching hips thrusting toes curling tension writhing through every muscle fiber a big sigh releasing whatever I was carrying. And then? More. Crawling twisting wriggling through sensual sleeves of fascia. Everything waving. Touch one strand and the whole web quivers. Movement; no beginning or ending; rising, falling, rising again. Who am I to stand in the way of this ocean, my body? Even if I tried, I couldn’t.
Hi, I’m Faye, welcome. Here, we get a little naughty on the path to personal empowerment. And we do it through the language of the body. We move from prescriptive to expressive. From obedient to deviant. From copied to embodied.
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A-fucking-men, sweetheart!! Our bodies are holy and our sexuality is holy. Let it all out. Don't you dare, for one minute, believe you can't be your whole erotic, sensual self. You own that shit!!!! And rise and empower in the process. Beautifully!!! Yay!!!!! XO