Welcome darling, to day four of our journey. Today is all about your favorite things. the ones that enliven, intrigue, entice — the one that make you lean in.
We’ll be crafting a creative spellkit, but you needn’t go acquire anything (unless, of course, desire calls you); simply open your senses. Focus you awareness on the experience of each tiny awakening.
Listen to the audio below for the pragmatic version of today’s exploration, and read on for the poetic incantation.
What kind of environment supports your ability to work/create? What is the lighting like? The volume? The spatial arrangement? The scent? The colors? Is it cute and cozy, big and spacious? Do you like little trinkets, or clear spaces? Music or silence? Does this change depending on what you’re creating?
There are just the opening questions - let the inquiry go wherever your senses take you.
Observe your life in general and notice the other sensory preferences that emerge in awareness - colors, tastes, textures, air, sunlight, moonlight… Do these differ from your working preferences? Are there sensory experiences you might want to weave into your creative practice?
As you become aware of your sensory preferences, make note in a journal - these will become keys to your creative playtime in the future.
Take a walk with your inner Creatrix and start noticing what catches your attention. Don’t listen to music or podcasts or try to come up with any ideas on this walk. Just walk with your creatrix consciousness, noticing the changing landscape, what you want to linger on, what turns you on, turns you off, makes you want to wander off the trodden path…
What do you smell?
Perfume on your wrists, burning incense —
smoke curling through space.
An invitation: peer into the mystery.
What colors do you see?
Glistening golds, tender pinks,
regal violet, sovereign navy,
green emeralds of awakening.
What do you feel?
The breath of cotton, the hug of spandex,
the smooth of glass.
Oil on skin. A mirroring.
Rippling seams, ridges of
fabric beneath fingers.
Chocolate softening on warm tongue.
A burst of sweetness. Grapes
split open. The cool rush
of life’s nectar sliding down
open throat. Sticky honey
dribbling from lips.
The shock of
salt from a crisp
crackling between teeth,
A crunch echoing
through eardrums.
Every sense, a proposition.
What, my love, do you learn from them?
Subscribe to DEEP FEMININE for poetry, riddles, secrets whispered into your wanting ears, grazes of silk upon skin, journeys into the mystery, desire awakening, life giving transmissions.
Current benefits for paid subscribers included seasonal embodiment journeys through the realm of the Feminine. Beginning March 8: we get UNDRESSED & reconnect with the Erotic Feminine.
Price: $6/month. Value: Love’s Liberation..