Beneath your Resistance Lies your Essence — Poetry of the Subtlest Subconscious Undercurrents
the cosmos wants to fuck you open | episode 00
It’s not about the sex. Not the way you think it is. It’s not about the sex… but it is. That is, the sex is a reflection of all that is. The openness of your nervous system. The beating of your heart. Can you feel it? It’s not about the sex. But it is because, how do you know anything but through this pulsing? The trickiest part is knowing whether you’re fucking with your head. So it’s not about the sex. Not the way you think it is. It is more about the mythos beneath the friction. What is the fire born of? What is it becoming? The field, shamanic, slow, deep, and rhythmic. Pleasure consuming every inch of skin, delivering unseen information. Every ridge of spinal column a portal of divine translation. And what of this opening deep within? No metaphor; it’s heaven.
Cervical orgasms. I remember hearing about them years ago. Hearing women talk about how they changed their lives. I remember a teacher of mine once said a cervical orgasm could last months. I remember being confused. I remember the day my cervix softened. And I remember the moment I understood. I remember telling Luke, Wow. I understand things like how cervical orgasms are fucking profound. Cause when else can you release tension as deep as that? And when else can you trust your body and your process with such surrender? It’s touching the subtlest subconscious undercurrents. And that’s the thing. It’s not about sex but sex IS how you access it. It’s far more than mechanics. It’s love and consciousness dancing in a body. It’s “the body keeps the score” on acid. You can read a 500 page book but you don’t know anything until you feel your body surrendering, softening, opening space. You can believe in god (or not) but until you are penetrated with the light of consciousness, it’s just a leap of faith. I am convinced the pathway to god is through the cervix. I am convinced because every time I venture deeper, I feel something beyond me. Boundaries of skin dissolving, and at once, more earthly than anything. One cervical orgasm six months ago changed me irrevocably. Rippled through time, changing the trajectory, anchoring me into a different frequency. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla There are teachers who can tell you all the science, all the strategy, all the technique, all the tricks (I could tell you). But it won’t matter unless your subconscious is on board with your mythic story. And that’s what I’m interested in. The shamanic journey. Into the underworld, into what’s rotten, forgotten, swept into corners. Into the alchemical process. Transformation. Emergence. The pleasure journey is multidimensional. The web we’ll navigate is fearsome and riddled with resistance. What we learn in choosing to move through it is worth more than anything I can imagine. Woven through your DNA, your psyche, your body, is a program. You’re encoded with behaviors. You’re encoded, we’re all encoded, with self-perpetuated suffering. At least, we are until we become aware of it. And then what? Listen to the stories. Probably, we can’t hear them at first. We can’t discern them as stories of suffering because we live in the vacuum of them. There is no reality except the one that seems to be occurring. What is your occurring world? Do you know how you see things? Do you know the undercurrents of your psyche? They reveal themselves through your actions. So pay attention. Pay attention to the shape of your body. And I don’t mean like your height and weight and how big your ass is. I mean energetically. I mean, are you opening or closing? Are you breathing or freezing? And those are really the only questions, besides, can you amplify it? Can you refine it? The path to pleasure is the path to self worth; it is a journey of opening to what is, unconditionally. It’s not simple. And it is simpler than anything. Because like I said. It’s not about the sex. But it is. Beyond the resistance lies your essence — the ecstatic prophesy.
Thank you for reading my dearest lovers. If this lit a spark in you, please consider subscribing (if you haven’t already) and sharing to notes or with a friend. <3
P.S. I feel so grateful to be able to share my journey with you and I would love to serve your better. If there are any topics you’d like me to explore in the realms of the sacred feminine, sexual polarity & energetics, archetypal embodiment, mystical/shamanic eroticism, pleasure liberation… please share the in the comments or in a DM.
P.P.S. How do we feel about an Q&A column once a month?
xx Faye
This essay is everything! Like I really want to talk about it with you, but don’t even know where to start.
“how do you know anything
but through this pulsing”
Feeling energy. Feeling consciousness. It’s so hard to articulate, yet you do it beautifully. It’s inherently sexual and pleasurable and freeing, but so much more than sex. It’s all about surrender. I feel it off and on, but have trouble sustaining it because I don’t often feel safe in my own skin. It’s been a work in progress. But if you have any quick and dirty tips for how to deepen one’s practice of surrendering, getting past the worldly tension and stiffness of post traumatic hypervigilance, I’d be so interested to know. I guess that’s a big ask!😂
What a great poem and a profound statement "the pathway to god is through the cervix."
Your work has far reaching healing potential ~ an antidote to the degenerated practices generally accepted as 'normal sexuality' (and veering towards sexual violence).