
Bringing pleasure to your work

Make your spine like seaweed

What if I told you the key to enjoying your work was feeling your body while you’re working?

This is a supremely simple practice you can use to bring you back into your feeling body even when you have hours of computer work and zoom meetings to do.

Step 1: Start breathing again, deep into your belly. Feel the sensations of breath running up and down your spine.

Step 2: Imagine your spine is like one of those tall billowy pieces of seaweed rooted to the ocean floor, flowing with the currents of the water.

Step 3: Sit up at the front edge of your chair, and begin to bring gentle, swaying movement into your spine. Tune into the sensations arising. Notice how your energy shifts with this subtle movement. Notice if you begin to experience pleasure in your body.

Step 4: Do this whenever you notice yourself feeling stuck - whether it’s in a meeting, in a project deadline, or you just don’t wanna leave THE ZONE.

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