I am glad you never water down your words or serve weak tea.

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Thank you Marjorie. I’m grateful to have you here

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“But the awakened, the knowing one says: body am I through and through, and nothing besides; and soul is just a word for something on the body.

The body is a great reason, a multiplicity with one sense, a war and a peace, one herd and one shepherd.” - Thus spoke zarathustra

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Wonderful words to reflect on. Thank you for sharing, Moh. This reminds me of Aristotle's hylomorphism - the word which translates, "soulbody."

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Apr 1Liked by Faye Boam

Well yea but Nietzsche was a critic of dualism, from same book :

“There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy” (Thus Spoke Zarathustra).

I do side with Nietzsche here with the none-dualistic approach to who we are (and who we are becoming, continuously) than any sort of metaphysical “essence”, That is how I perceived your writing here.

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We are on the same page, then, in reference to nondualism. I like the image "soulbody" evokes, all the same thing. Philosophy comes from the body of wisdom. Words only arise out of experience. I feel the metaphysical essence as the soul as the body

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Wow, you are quite a master of words, of feelings, of listening in order to build the scaffolding around ineffable “things,” breathless events, that by paradox you summon forth into true meaning. I’ve got an oldie but goodie that would do well in response to this one as it has to other poetry that touched me deeply. I’ve been thinking of posting it again soon anyway. Thank you for your existence and your process, Faye.

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Wow, thank you. This makes my heart so full. Writing and words have always come naturally. I remember in grade school being enveloped in a sort of breathless event whenever I had to write a paper. It was mostly a head game, but I've also always had rhythm. (this is leading me into interesting contemplations)

Emoting though, being honest through words, was always a much greater challenge. The thrilling and heartbreaking process of cracking open to love I didn't know was at the root of my longing, until I did. Which I'm sure you've experienced, too. It's crazy to reflect on; how feeling through words can't happen, no matter how much one wants to in their thoughts, until there is wanting, verb.

Thank you, too, Mike, for your existence, your process. I can't wait to read your poem.

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Same here. I’ve always seemed to have a decent knack for writing, despite not being much of a book reader. Turning it into more of a process of freedom, where I try not to get in the words’ way, is a newer phenomenon.

That poem is currently scheduled for April 5! Thanks for the exchange, as always.

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This is amazing, no dilution in your words at all. Good stuff.

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Thank you Doug, what wonderful praise to receive. You have me smiling. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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I love how you highlight the duality of all life. We’re happy yet longing, steady but chaotic. And that’s the way we’re supposed to be right? We were always meant to be more than one thing. 🤍

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Thank you Caroline. Your comments always warm my heart. 🥰 💛 More than one thing, indeed, taking all the shapes, 🪩 dancing through life on this spinning glitter orb

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