And there I was thinking it was a ubiquitous term. Good to know it's not! Thank you for bringing that to my attention. This was one variation, though usually it's done on all fours, so it looks like a cow's belly / a cat doing that thing where they dramatically round their spines. But basically, it's movement between the arched spine/rounded spine. The video I'm putting up today will show it in a more directed way
So that’s a cat-cow. I had no idea
And there I was thinking it was a ubiquitous term. Good to know it's not! Thank you for bringing that to my attention. This was one variation, though usually it's done on all fours, so it looks like a cow's belly / a cat doing that thing where they dramatically round their spines. But basically, it's movement between the arched spine/rounded spine. The video I'm putting up today will show it in a more directed way
I love how you make these seemingly complex idea relatable through the mundane, the commonplace — like a computer or software 🤍
Magic in the mundane is one of my favorite phrases 👁️✨ Thank you for being here Caroline