i was gonna make this a whole thing, but it’s actually really, really simple. if you’re a human and you’re creating literally anything at all, your ability to see, feel, and love your body is integral to the process.
as i’ve said on many occasions, art is, at its heart, an erotic process.
SO, if you’re not willing to be with your naked body, you have a lot to learn.
you’re missing a huge part of the experience that would make your art richer, more honest, more chewy, more… just MORE. you know. cause you’re always longing for more, aren’t you?
forget crystal dildos, forget tantric orgasms. forget sacred sexuality or anything that even suggests penetration. start with the skin. lest we forget, the skin our largest organ, is pleasure rich, is an entryway to awakening what lies beneath… but that’s a post for another day.
i digress.
if you literally cannot stand to look at your naked body, there’s your entry point.
if you only get naked for sex (okay or showering), if you only get naked with the intention to please another person, if you get naked and hide yourself as quickly as possible…
darling, you have work to do.
and here it is: get in front of the mirror, or the camera, and start LOOKING.
learn to see yourself. learn to see beauty in your physical presence. i promise Aphrodite will be looking upon you in pleasure and approval.
per Anaïs Nin, “We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.” but more precisely, we see the world as we see ourselves. as in, if we avoid looking at ourselves through a lens of beauty, love, and “you’re a fucking masterpiece,,” we avoid looking at the world this way too. we don’t see the creative possibilities all around us. we don’t see the subtle nuances that make a thing gorgeous. we don’t see the magic in the strange and subtle moments, just as we don’t see the magic in our uniquely delicate curves, the soft skin on our belly, or the way our smile is a little crooked on one side.
all of these observations hold the potential for deep pleasure and self connection. but you’ll never feel it if you won’t feel yourself.
i shared recently that one of my most used practices when i’m feeling down is self portraits. it’s hard to overstate how powerful this is. to stare yourself in the face or the belly or the breasts or the pussy when you feel like shit. it’s hard. it’s emotional. it’s sometimes overwhelming. it’s counterintuitive. it seems a little unhinged…
and yet, it’s one of the most healing practices i’ve ever experienced.
because though it appears to begin on the skin, it goes far deeper, to the core of your fears, anxieties — it goes to your resistance against your most natural state of being. undressed. erotic, in touch, touched by your own beauty..
imagine everything you might confront facing the challenge of loving yourself head on, in your most vulnerable state.
imagine how different you might feel out in the world having embraced your body, your beauty, when all you wanted to do was tear yourself to shreds.
imagine how this might change the way you are with a lover.
imagine, in any moment, not being stuck in your head wondering if your body looks weird or wrong or gross, having proven to yourself (you have photo evidence remember) that actually, you’re a goddamn masterpiece. imagine how much more you'd experience.
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This was gorgeous. I want to come back again and again and savor the deeper truths in here... sooo much I resist about myself. To embrace would unfuck so many things.
Sorry, but I can’t help myself:
Well, my body could use a little slimmin'
I keep my shirt on when I go swimmin'
And I ain't seen my feet since 1984
The old lady wants to roll in the hay
We turn the lights down all the way
Cuz I don't look good naked anymore
No I don't look good naked anymore
I'm a deep-fried, double-wide version of the man I was before
If I keep on like I'm doing I won't fit through the door
And I don't look good naked anymore
Well, I used to be a helluva man
I chopped wood with just one hand
But I can't do the things I've done before
Well, it all happened kinda slow
But I guess I kinda let myself go
Now I don't look good naked anymore
No I don't look good naked anymore
I'm a deep-fried, double-wide version of the man I was before
If I keep on like I'm doing I won't fit through the door
And I don't look good naked anymore
With each and every passing year
Came a lot of french fries and beer
And my belly hung a little closer to the floor
Now my belly is big as a truck
And the old lady don't wanna-- SHE DON'T WANNA!
Cuz I don't look good naked anymore
No I don't look good naked anymore
I'm a deep-fried, double-wide version of the man I was before If
I keep on like I'm doing I won't fit through the door
And I don't look good naked anymore
No I don't look good naked anymore
I'm a deep-fried, double-wide version of the man I was before
If I keep on like I'm doing I won't fit through the door
And I don't look good naked anymore
No I don't look good naked anymore