Welcome welcome welcome <3

ready to bore into the center of life? yeah. i know you are. but how?

that question is exactly why I started writing and dancing and playing and making art and sharing it here.

it’s been said there are many paths to here. and what i’ve found through all these portals of exploration is that ultimately, it’s about connecting with presence not as a concept - but as a living entity. a stream of fluid aliveness. the numinous movement humming within everything.

what you’ll find here are ways to align with this current of aliveness, otherwise known as the creative process. otherwise known as YOU!

we’ll explore through poetry, through movement, through contemplation, and most of all, through curiosity.

wherever you are in your journey, you are welcome here.

this is where your creativity is set free. where you are invited to create portals of inner alchemy, sanctuaries of joyful expression, playgrounds of deep inner knowing, direct connections with god, or life force, or with whatever you want to call everything.

What will you get here?

free subscribers

((( practice notes)))

observations, insights, and questions that arise through my personal practice. I’ll throw bits of philosophy in there, and some poetry, too.

paid subscribers

come to your senses

Seasonal movement inquiries to drop you beneath the veil of thought and into the rhythm of your body.

the clear spring

Podcast style portals of bodymind expansion. Discussions of movement philosophy, insights, paid subscriber Q&As, and whatever else moves me. Pun intended ;)

I’m Faye, curator of this playground.

Things about me: I’m a sensitive AF, freethinking (sometimes overthinking) artist, dancer, poet, mover, and all around creative seer. Connecting with my creative essence has set me free, allowing me access to the full spectrum of life as a learning experience — a sort of epic poem I am the living embodiment of.

here are just a couple things that happened when i became devoted to my creative process

  • I ended a decade long cycle of disordered eating and abusive exercise

  • I stopped relying on weed & other chemicals to get through the day

  • I learned to love my body & self through all my transitions

  • I developed a deep, fulfilling relationship with pleasure

  • I learned to connect with and appreciate the subtleties of experience to gain

  • deep insight.

  • I healed my chronically overwhelmed & burnt out nervous system

  • I learned to move through overthinking, anxiety, depression, and grief

  • I developed a reliable way to process and move through them, without getting all thinky about it.

Here is the stream of words that came through me as I conceived of numinous movement… maybe they’ll move you, too.

Slip beneath. Slip into reality ~
the sensual sleeve where all possibilities are humming.
SPANDA ~ divine vibration.
Feel your heartbeat. That’s it. You’re it!
Love exists only in a moment of choice in a moment of time.
The key is to keep repeating those moments.
So we practice.
We practice from the perspective that
is the irreducible condition of existence,
so we’d better learn to swing with it~
for what else are we here for but this dance?
Here, through this body ~ this wholeness ~ this
unending process.
Welcome to the stream of fluid aliveness.

“A separate thing is real only in a system of abstractions. It is not physically or naturally real, for just as there cannot be necks without heads and trunks, there cannot be flowers without environmental fields. The field flows into the flower, and what we call the “thing”—flower—is a wiggle in the flow, while the flow itself, the energy of the universe, admits of no definition.” — Alan Watts

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you don't need to be fixed ♡ make art, move your body, align with the current of your aliveness.


♡ pssst… just breathe. you don’t need to be fixed ◎ dancing, making poetry & writing about the creative process