Shut the fuck up and feel something. 

Yeah. I said it. Get out of your head, and into your body. That’s where the good stuff lives. The alive stuff. The heat. The spice. The stuff worth waking up for. Desire, you know?

Creativity isn’t a head trip. It’s a full body experience if you give yourself access. The question here is, how deep will you let yourself in?

At Body of Work, we do things differently. As the Muse demands, creation — that is, the process of becoming alive, aware, attuned, expressed —is an erotic process, and I mean that in the most holistic sense. You are an integrated power network — a melding of body, mind, and spirit into something far beyond what your mind can conceive of. The mystery beckons, doesn’t it? The Muse likes to keep you on your toes. 

If you yearn to find out more in this beautiful game of life we’re playing, you must open your channel and start creating. The good news is, you’ve got everything you need; your body is your instrument. There’s no labyrinth to navigate. Just endless layers of your inner landscape — your strength, your love, your wanting — to discover.

dive into the mystery

How Subscriptions Work

Free subscribers receive…

• Weekly posts exploring movement, creativity, and pleasure, plus bits and pieces from my life and travels.

• Plenty of poetry… cuz a girl’s gotta and yearn.

Paid subscribers receive…

Everything included in a free subscription plus:

Feed the Muse, a weekly creative ritual designed to help you deepen and expand your capacity for expression. Using movement, writing, and self portraiture, you’ll form a relationship with your body as your creative instrument. You don’t wanna miss this.

• Vlog deep dives on aspects of movement, creativity, pleasure. and/or embodiment that get me all hot and bothered.

• Immediate access to The Body of Work Movement Fundamentals Program

Collective members receive…

Everything included in a paid subscription plus:

Monthly workshops diving deeper into creative practice. Sometimes practical, sometimes philosophical, usually a bit of both. These will be informed by the community’s needs & interests, so please participate in the comments.

Things About Me

I’m Faye. Mover, artist, lover, devotee of the Muse.

I started writing here to share my journey of learning to love and express myself better by ditching the “rules” I’d been fed all my life, and instead learning the wisdom of my body. Much to my delight, becoming a naughty little rule breaker cracked the world wide open for me, transforming my perception of myself and my way of relating with the world around me. Things got way more interesting

My journey has led me to a deep, erotic, loving, relationship with myself, a hot AF relationship with my partner, and a creative force that flows from me like honey.

It’s pretty fucking great, and I’m overjoyed to be sharing the journey with you, if you’ll have me.

xx Faye

Warning! If you choose to embark on this journey, you may experience any or all of the following:

• The profound joy of allowing your body to show you the way

• An emergence of power you never knew existed within you

• A connection with your inner Muse

• Reverence for your body as a trusted confidant, source of wisdom, receiver of pleasure, and vessel of creative expression.

• A release of the drive for external validation replaced with the knowing that you are your own best teacher and power source

p.s. Here is what readers are saying about Body of Work

Wow, Faye. This whole thing is beautiful. We live in a world of pretend edges and boundaries, of expectations that we fit into made-up norms that so many have become completely hypnotized by. You and your writing defy this in the most marvelous ways.” — Mike Sperisou

I can feel the power and the fire in every word.” — Lauren Barber

Oh my!!! I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! Truly. The incredible balance that we are expected to walk — except we don’t have to. We can be everything and anything all it once. It’s possible. Thank you for the encouragement!” — Caroline

Faye, you need a bigger audience, say a billion people.” — Weston Parker

p.p.s. If you want personal guidance a program designed just for you, I teach creative embodiment 1:1. Send me a DM to see if we’d be a good fit for working together.

I’m also available to teach workshops in your area! Have a gym or studio that could use a little shaking up? Ask me about my workshop offerings.

Subscribe to Body of Work

Where pleasure and strength meet, and get a little spicy


artist exploring the feeling of.. things • pours truth like coffee • precise yet chaotic • a little nice, a lot naughty • always synthesizing