I want you to look yourself in the eyes and just KNOW how yummy, how worthy, how brilliant, how exquisite you are. I want you to want to lick yourself into cosmic bliss.

In other words, I want you to be H O T on yourself. I want you to embrace your weird, silly, sexy, rapturous, dark, fierce, fiery, devilish, monstrous, ecstatic, anxious, passionate, etc, etc, etc… Self.

You’re multifaceted — that’s your gift.

Within this space, my soul purpose is to be the permission slip your good girl always needed — to be exactly as you are.

So many of us (re/forming good girls) are living in distorted frequencies — feeling trapped in the projections of our own minds, of repressed cultures and too tight relationships — believing we’re supposed to control ourselves, contort our magick to fit the mold.

Yet you, dear one, know the mold is not for you; you are here to come alive with the fire that burns in your belly. You want to scream it from the rooftops. You want to show everyone JUST HOW FUCKING AMAZING YOU ARE.

I want that for you, too.

Consider this: 96% of the universe is dark matter & energy. You can’t touch it. You can’t see it. Only 4% is atomic - mutative - hot - visible.

That 96% is within you already - the stuff you’re just DYING to pour out. You are the ultimate untapped resource. And Here is the place you get to explore that boundless energy, unencumbered, unbridled, unashamed.

Welcome to this space. I’m Faye.

I have a penchant for the hot and unusual, a knack for the details, and a wild wave of emotion that thrusts me into unknown territory… territory I love to share with you.

I share because I believe we can learn to love ourselves better by witnessing expressions and perspectives outside our realm of experience. In this way, I believe we can learn to let ourselves feel deeper within.

What I value above all is helping you be absolutely fucking in love with yourself - your unique expression, transmission, frequency, desire, voice… All the things that make you, YOU.

Some of the things we’ll explore here:

• Working with the energy of eros (becoming a hot, creative bitch)
• Magick mechanics (making stuff happen)
• Erotic alchemy (pleasure + movement + embodiment + shapeshifting)
• Juxtapositions (the yin and yang of everything)
• Love (… undefinable)
• Language that transcends itself (poetry)

What you’ll receive here is ^^^ a bunch of that.

Paid subscribers also receive Feed the Muse, a monthly offering full of creative prompts, embodiment practices, and audio transmissions going deep into the dark matter of creativity.

Plus discounts on workshops, courses, && 1:1 mentorship.

Buckle in, my friend…

Oh, p.s. you are cordially invited into my DMs && the comments section - I love being asked questions as it helps me feel deeper into the field we’re creating together.

xx Faye

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welcome to the oracle your good girl always yearned for 🍭✨ 🕳️🐇


eros evangelist • oracular alchemist • cosmic slut • whore for the mystery ◎ look into me || mystic mess of sensitivity • pouring truth like coffee