Beautiful, Faye. Lately I enjoy doing things that make others feel uncomfortable *for me*, such as eating very spicy food. I enjoy plumbing the depths of feeling and just letting it flow, not attaching the label/reaction of “bad” or “must fix”! It’s fascinating how others around me will squirm while I sweat and cry and enjoy every minute of it.

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Thank you, Mike. And what a pursuit! I totally feel that way about picking up heavy stuff. Observation over judgement... probably the best and most effective magic trick ever? Do you grow any really spicy peppers? Also, do you watch Hot Ones?

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Yes, it’s amazing how uncomfortable people can get when someone they see is acting outside of their narrow expectations even when they’re not harming anyone. I haven’t grown any hot peppers in some years, no. But recently I enjoyed the strong burn of some vindaloo, yummy yummy. Hot Ones is awesome! Love the Aubrey Plaza episode.

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Connection IS everything and you are making your way there. You da bomb!

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Ka Pow!! Thank you, as always, Wes. I'll never forget when I opened substack one evening, right in the beginning, to find you'd read and commented on several of my posts and told me to "keep going." Your encouragement means a lot to me, and I'm grateful to have the reminder in my back pocket

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With your vision, getting clearer all the time, you will make your way- keep flowing babe.

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Keep flowing, I shall. Making my way to those crystal clear oveans. And p.s. thank you again for the coffee ;) It fills my heart and and my tastebuds with nourishment.

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Hey Faye, what are oveans?

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Hahaha my misspelling of oceans 🙊

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I really enjoyed this writing - especially the starting poetry - hope you are well Faye

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I'm so glad you liked it. It was a surprising and clarifying experience to reflect on - which I'm sure you understand being a movement maestro yourself. I am very well, thank you :) I hope you are, too

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Really enjoyed your poem, Faye! I feel you're an evolved version of me, a few years ahead! I LOVE reading your posts because you're opinionated and helpful. Super happy to have found you here!

love to you


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Mo! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It's fun and nourishing to my soul that you're loving my opinionatedness... what a wild part of myself to embrace!! I see so much of ourselves in each other, too. All the love <3<3<3

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"Otherwise? Tragedy is the taste of

this dance with gravity,

the only unavoidable dogma."

I would have underlined this in poetry class. Nice.

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I never knew I wanted my words to be underlined in poetry class till now. Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

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Haha, I once told a girl to reverse every line in her poem, and she did it, and it worked! This one, you just get a “Cool!” Lol, and I mean that in the most complimentary possible way.

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"Cool!" is much appreciated. I feel like the coolness of "cool" got lost in translation somewhere over the past 20 some years... Time to bring some respect back to the word!

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