Finally making my way through older, saved posts (I know, you’re way beyond this point now, already doing so many exciting things!). But I feel like I’m in this boat you speak of NOW - I’ve set myself up to teach a high school class on self-reflection and I’m not following any template or somebody else’s program, which is terrifying. But I’ll be putting all of ME into it (my interests in literature, spirituality, psychology + MY teaching style and philosophy + using Rick Rubin’s book as a regular resource and this other amazing book I found at “Five and Under” this summer - who knew that place was a treasure trove?!?!). My point in saying all this is, there are no rules, and that’s so fucking freeing, too. There is no ONE way to be/teach. Your projects are special precisely because they’re yours. I know I’m just preaching to the choir, but I’m also just pumping myself up after reading your post. I needed this!

Also, I don’t think I ever stopped blogging. My blogs were always philosophical sermons, even when I was 25.😂

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Your self reflection class sounds AMAZING and exactly like what I would’ve wanted (and NEEDED) when I was that age. What a gift you’ll be offering your students!!! That’s funny about the five and under find- what’s the book called? I had no clue you could get anything of actual use there! Last night I watched the pilot episode of a show where an alchemy book was hiding itself until the right person came along for it.. maybe that’s what happened for you.

It is so freeing to realize there are no rules, and then to practice it. And that’s the other thing - I’m not really beyond this point so much as in it now, which reminds me of a song called “you’re in it now.” But yeah. I spent a lot of years contemplating what I wanted to create and learning ways of creating. and then it clicked that I could just do it. That I had to do it, imperfectly, and not feeling “ready,” cause god knows I could ideate forever 😅

Anyway. I’m so excited to hear what unfolds in your class. Also I love that you never stopped blogging. I was too wrapped up in existential dread and anxiety to be able to write about anything for a while, though I probably would’ve made a supreme tumblr girl. Oh well. Hahahahaha.

You’re the best, Nida. Your comments always inspire me

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There is nothing better than hearing somebody who has put the work in and can point directly to their experiences. Probably just the yearning of an aging person. Bottom line, I loved what you had to say here.

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Wow Joel, thank you, this is such a touching comment to receive. It feels good to have the work recognized. Thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed it and hope you stick around for more.

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I relate to a lot of this, Faye. :)

I've been using Substack as practice for conquering perfectionism, letting go of comparisons, and really just bravely putting myself out there exactly as I am, no matter what any voice in my head (old programming) is saying. The rewards for sharing without expecting anything in return have been immeasurable, as I know they will be for you.

It's TRUE~ there's only one YOU!! And I'm so happy to meet her. :)

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I love this so much Jacqueline. You articulated exactly what I've been feeling - the desire to drop the perfectionism (like you did in that Mazzy Star video the other day, ugh so gooood!!) and just be a curious, generous human, crazy voices and all. I appreciate your encouragement more than I can say ♥️♥️♥️ And am so grateful to be connected with you!!!

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That's it! We're in it together, sister!! ❤️

(and thank you...:)

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yesss!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you for uploading your blag to the information superhighway!

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Oh, it's my pleasure! I'm so excited to make it a whole thaaaang

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I love this!! Look at that gorgeous fur baby!!

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Jul 8Liked by Faye Boam

Thanks for the recipe…I’ve been wondering what to do with my chia seeds😂

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they def can be one of those things that just… hang out in the pantry 😅 i also have a granola recipe they uses chia seeds i’ll have to unearth. but i like to just sprinkle em on stuff too, like yogurt or a bowl of veggies. they don’t really taste like anything so they if the crunch doesn’t bother you just sprinkle away

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Jul 8Liked by Faye Boam

Thanks🙂 ok I’ll try it!😂

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Jul 8Liked by Faye Boam


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lol but don’t blame me when they inevitably get stuck in your teeth 😬

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Jul 8Liked by Faye Boam

I was looking back through the blog I started in 2010 or somesuch and the posts are so free and mundane and sincere. I’m curious how to get back to that. And So much of your writing in this letter could have been in my own diary. I want to be online and connect but I also feel unsure how to navigate authentically and really connect with people. Thanks for sharing.

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i totally feel you! for me, i noticed i was stuck in that mindset of “i need to have a clear message in every post and look *professional*” because i thought that’s what people wanted - so without realizing, i was letting what i thought people wanted dictate what i shared.

i feel more connected with you just through your comment! hearing your “mundane,” off the cuff thoughts is valuable - it’s exactly what i remember from the blog says. people just popping in and saying what’s up, no agenda. here’s to more connection ♥️ thank you for chiming in. maybe we can start a new blog wave

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Jul 9Liked by Faye Boam

Yes let’s!

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The book is called, “How to be the Main Character: A Workbook for Becoming the Star of Your Own Story” by Crystal St. John. I honestly feel like I manifested this book because it aligns perfectly with the way I’ve been teaching self-reflection through the lens of storytelling. What was the name of the show you were watching? It sounds so interesting! And whose song are you remembering?

I think I’m IN it, too, but still sometimes feel like I’m waiting for someone’s permission or for them to tell me what to do. The freedom is a revelation, but I keep needing to be reminded of it.

Thanks for sharing a little more of your journey! I can relate to the part about ideating forever, and spending years learning ways of creating. I still feel like there is so much more to learn and imposter syndrome stalks me wherever I go, but it’s been really encouraging to have some students be so forthright about the impact I’ve made in their lives. It makes me feel like, why am I holding myself back? Maybe something I do or say will be of value to another, in ways I can’t even fathom right now. The time has come to bask in the beauty of who I am, not simply what I do; when both these things need to come together as one, so that, essentially, what I’m offering to the world as my service, is myself.

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