I love this! Absolutely beautiful 💖🙏

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Thank you Veronika!

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Captures that desperate clutch after being apart for a while.

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It is an all consuming clutch. And we were up in the mountains... it was quieter. I could feel more

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SO GOOD! I can hear the Rachel influence. Fuck yeah.

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Thank youuuu! Yeah, clearly I absorbed quite a bit in my crash course. I'm really digging the voice aspect now, too. Bring so much more life to it!

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18Liked by Faye Boam

So many incredible dualities and precious paradoxes in your poem. These lines might be my favorite, though it's hard to choose:

"The way I breathe reverence

beyond what I believe

I am."

Oh, and yes, I almost forgot. Spectacular reading. I'm noticing some synchronicities...I recently recorded one that has some similarities, and then I read/heard yours in-between the scheduling and the posting of mine. Coming soon.

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Ooooh I cant wait to read/listen to yours!

Polarity and the [seeming] paradox it sheds light on is such a magical thing... and now you've got me contemplating paradox. Today's gonna be fun

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